




  Dear teachers and dear students,

  Hello everyone! I am______from Class 10, Grade 8. Today, the title of our speech is "Life is endless, exercise is endless".


  The golden wind spreads thousands of miles, the annual autumn track and field games also come quietly like a gust of wind.

  “体育是生命中的阳光”, 丰富多彩的体育活动不仅可以强健我们的身体,同时也能磨练我们的意志,列夫·托尔斯泰曾说过:“生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。”身体是知识的载体,只有健康的体魄,以及良好的心理品质,才能更好地工作和学习,才能应付各种困难和挑战,培养持之以恒、适应各种环境、克服困难、团结协作的精神。

  Sports are the sunshine of life. Rich and colorful sports can not only strengthen our bodies, but also hone our will, Leo. Tolstoy once said: "Life is sports, human life is sports."


  The beauty of sports, beauty is fighting. Without tenacious struggle, there will be no excellent results. Hard work is the most beautiful scenery in the sports field, never give up in order to get close to success. On the same starting line, how much sweat you put in, how much you will get in return.


  The beauty of sports lies in order. We have an amiable and respectable team who serve us silently, with fair referees, selfless volunteers, neat and hygienic maintainers, and young journalists who report on the class war in time.


  We also need to pay attention to safety. The campus is also a place with a high incidence of stampedes. Whenever you go to a place with a dense flow of people, you should observe the surroundings to avoid congestion!

  同学们,让我们运动起来吧,奋力拼搏,安全有序,超越自我,让激情弥漫我们的校园,让呐喊声响彻校园的上空。Students, let passion pervade our campus, let the cry ring through the campus.

  谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕!Thank you for listening!
