




  Dear teachers, dear students,

  Hello everyone! I am ______from Class 3 Grade 8. September 19 is the National Science Popularization Day. The title of our speech today is "Love Science, love creation".


  Looking back at the history of human being culture, science and creation have been bringing us big benefits.Thanks to science and creation, we now live comfortably and conveniently in house. It has prepared the way for all progress and development of the society.


  What is science? What kind of people are scientists? Some of them challenge, criticize, question, and find light in the cracks. Some people focus on every discovery, and search for the unsolved mysteries of science, connecting the past and the future for hundreds of years. Some people give up great interests and open up great discoveries for free, bringing earth-shaking changes to human life.


  All of them,face knowledge honestly and pursue the truth with love. Let us see the law of the operation of all things, let’s open up our mind, change human life, and promote the process of civilization.


  More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle said a famous saying: "I love my teacher, I love truth more." Through the ages, the scientists touched and developed interest in science when they were young. At last, they overcome many difficulties, and finally achieve success.

  邓小平爷爷说,“科学技术是第一生产力”。人类一直在讨论一个话题,月亮上有水吗? 如果有,水以什么形态存在呢? 今年1月份。我国科研团队给出回答,在嫦娥五号带回来的月壤中,首次获得了月表原位条件下的水含量,而就在近日,中国科学家对月壤的研究更进一步:月球上不仅有水,而且存在高含量水。

  Grandfather Deng Xiaoping said, "Science and technology are the primary productive forces." Human beings have been talking about a topic, is there water on the moon? If so, in what form does water exist? In January this year. The Chinese scientific research team found the water content of the lunar surface from the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-5. Just recently, Chinese scientists have taken the lunar soil a step further: there is not only water on the moon, but also a high content of water.


  Students, let's play a part in learning scientific and cultural knowledge, drive development with innovation. "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Please devote ourselves to science and achieve the self-reliance and self-improvement as soon as possible.


  Thank you. My speech is over.
